Monday, January 18, 2010

My age limit is 7...

So work today was funny and interesting and I knew that I had to share it with everyone, some of you will get kicks out of this mor many many different reason, just let me set the situation up for you.

I didn't shower this morning (yuck I know) cause I was running late, and I am wearing yesterday's make-up that I refreshed this morning. I am standing behind the counter and I am helping two older black gentlemen and when I say older I am referencing like 50-55 years old. Well one guy, we will call him Bill cause I don't know his name, looked at the tat that I have on my chest, and looked to Sydney, the other guy, and was like do you see the butterfly? Sydney said, yeah I see it, then asked me if I had a bee after my butterfly. I just giggled and said that I am dating someone, then he told me that I needed to date him, and he told me he was going to leave me with his number. As he is writing the number he is asking random things about me not too personal and he said that i needed to date both he and Robert. I was trying to be nice and didn't want to hurt the gentleman's feelings so I just told him that I was very much so into the guy I was with and that I was with a strict church and couldn't have a bee after my butterfly until I was married. He then asked me what church I was a part of and I told him I was a mormon and I am going to quote him... "Isn't that the church where you can have 4 or 5 husbands?" I was like no we ended that in the 1800's and he said I thought it was going on yesterday. I told him that there were some radical sects out there that still practice it but they don't follow the docterine of the BoM so they aren't affiliated with the LDS church. He told me that I needed to look into that church instead of the one I am in. (Very much so an anti-christ quality) Then he started asking me some of the things I am into, and i told him like puzzles, and knitting, and hanging out, watching movies, cooking... etc. He told me that he would marry me in a heart beat and I was still being stand-offish but he kept going. So I put his number in my pocket and helped the customers that had come up.

I thought they had left the store when I threw his number away but unbeknownst to me they were still shopping. Sydney decided to get a movie and just had to come back through my line. Then he said that he had come up with a perfect idea, that he and I and Bill and Wendie should go out to lunch or dinner. I told him that I didn't know I would have to think about it and I told him that if Wendie agreed I would go. I know that Wendie will never agree to go so I am not that worried about it.  Anyways, I dipped into the trashcan after Sydney turned around and got his number out and his friend caught me. I started laughing cause Wendie started laughing and I turned beet red cause I had been caught. Well they bought some flowers and left. I was still so embarrassed. UGH!

So I called Jilli and told her what happened she and i Just laughed about it, then I called Robert <3 and he was like, (jokingly) fine I see how it is. You are going for an older man. I said well you know that I like older men, look at you. He said I know, I am your limit. I said, so 7 years is my limit, why didn't you tell me that before I would have told him no flat out that he was way to old for me. lol....

UGH! Gotta love old pervie men, yay.....


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