This is the first day of the thirty day challenge...
I read it on a friend's blog and she challenged all of us to do it, so I figured I would give it a go. I do have to say that this is going to be kinda awkward to do since I usually forget to blog, but it should be productive since I don't have anything better to do...
1. I took 4 pictures before I decided to just go with one I already had.
2. I am in love with indie films and generally watch thema billion times!
3. I think I am a little OCD, hence the fact that I had to go through and first put all the numbers, followed by periods and then one space...
4. I don't like being alone, and when I am alone I have to have noise otherwise my imagination will kill me and I will start hearing noises and seeing shadows, and just generally freak myself out enough that I have to pack up the animals and leave until someone gets home... there is sometimes some sporadic crying mixed in there also!
5. I get motion sick really fast and really bad, thus the reason I have never been on an airplane, big boat, train, roller coaster, or any other really fast thing that jerks around.
6. I love my husband, like seriously really love him, he lights up my world and I get giddy every time he comes home and I like to make him happy so I cook for him all the time and try and take care of him... and I feel like I sound like a sick puppy, HAH!
7. I feel a lot of guilt, like all the time, if it's not one thing it's another, like for not talking to people as much as I should, then for not finishing stuff I start, and then for not knowing stuff I should.... it really gets to me sometimes....
8. I stare at myself a lot, really really stare, like I could just stare myself down for hours, my dad used to get onto me for just staring at my self, called it narcissism but it's not like I stare at myself and think, "OOH, I'm so hot!" I just stare, with a blank mind, blank eyes, not really looking at myself just STARING!
9. I feel like I don't have many friends, I feel like the friends I do have are good ones, but I don't have many at all. It is so weird because I don't have trouble making friends, I just think I don't try at all.
10. I have a weird fear of disappointing people, like a big fear of it, I think that's where most of my guilt comes from, it's weird though because I don't think people have that big of an expectation from me... it's my own standards... maybe I am worried I disappoint myself.
11. I think so much sometimes that it keeps me up, it's a random ellipse of thoughts that keeps me from doing anything, my thoughts are usually pointless but they just keep coming and don't ever want to stop. The thought turn into sounds and the sounds keep me up for HOURS, I think it worries Robert sometimes.
12. I think the last interesting fact makes me sound a little crazy, like maybe that is the kinda comment that changes people's percetion of me.
13. I have a weird fear of people, all kinds of people, it's mostly my own predisposition towards people, but it's weird, it's mostly dirty people or people with certain styles, I am nervous around hobo's... and I am nervous around gangster people... and I am nervous when it's only me and one other person in a place... I am nervous when people stare... I am nervous when people corner me...
14. I have an obsession with old movies and I kinda wish I were born in the fifties or forties... I kinda wish I could just live in the simpler times like when life was easier and calmer.
15. I think dead things are creepy, perfect example, Robert had a fish die and it was the day after we bought it, so we were taking it back to the pet store and on the way, he decided to take the baggie that contained the fish and put it in my lap... of course I screamed and threw it where ever I could. He just laughed... My sisters used to chase me with dead bugs and cockroaches... it just freaks me out.
It took me almost an hour and a half to write this... hope you find it interesting!
You are awesome! I really love knowing more stuff about you <3