I have also made some friendships that I don't want to ever see go. Like I never knew that there were so many people that I could relate to, although I am still having issues opening up to some of the people. I kinda worry that I may be stuck in an endless circle of never opening up until forced to. Then there are still those times where I know that I should cause my experiences will help someone else and I will put my two cents in but I don't think that I will ever open up like I have with Amanda and Dana.
Updates: Amanda's dad died. I can't even imagine what she is going through. I am not going into detail but I know that she will be ok. I really feel bad cause I haven't been there for her as much as I hope I would. I just can't stand to see her upset. She is one of the people that I would give my all. She is mine... I don't ever want to see anything happen to her but I can't keep her sheltered forever. Her family seems to be dealing with this ok, and I know that they are all strong people.
Sariah, had her twins, they are the most adorable babies that I have ever seen. She actually had them right about the time Robert and I started dating so I haven't been to see them much, but I have been over a couple of times and they are the best babies ever. Shannon and Tim are adopting a baby, I feel kinda bad that I haven't been around them much either. I think this week I am going to try and drag Robert over there with me, maybe a little RB and some dinner. Sounds like a plan that just might work. Well maybe not this week now that I think about the schedule.... oh well.
So I have been reading the ensign again, after slacking off for a little bit, and I can't believe how relevant some of the stories are. I am stuck re-reading the conference 2008 edition and I love it. Every story has parables and life lessons that make so much sense. I am starting to feel more confident in my life. I know that I usually have the big questions of what am I really doing here and what is my life really worth, but I just keep my patriarchal blessing in mind and I see how much of it is coming true. I never knew it until now, I am a natural born leader. :D That makes me happier than you know. Anyways, this has turned out to be way longer than I really wanted it to. So remember... live laugh love and forgive you enemies, physically and emotionally.
P.S. I thought of one more: I want someone that will not let me go through life as a shadow.
Hey you.. I miss you too;) You can come over anytime!! I am glad I got your blog adrress now!!